Revelations Photo Shoot


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Holland getting her make-up ready.


"Look, I'm helping!"

The Spat Self-Boob-Grab! Beat that!

Imperial Forces at the ready!

Checking out the new CGI stuff. It looks really good!

And here's the cast and crew glamour shot!

Setting up for some more shots.

Me, hiding off in the background.

More tries.

Holland and Karen.

Gina and Frank.

Shane and Dawn, with Ward sneaking in!

Trying to look buff.

More shots.

Aww, how cute!

The girls of Revelations.

Tough shot!

Dawn, Shane and the camera!

The main, behind the camera crew!


And that's it! Can't wait to see more of the film when it's done!


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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.